Monday, December 24, 2012

Stuffed Dates

My mom used to make these for the holiday season and I never have, but the memory came to me and I had to bring up the past - again. She had to slice the dates and remove the pits as I used to watch the process. These dates were already pitted, (reamed out, leaving a tubular hole through the middle) but I still had to slice them to stuff with cream cheese. Then I rolled them in a cinnamon-sugar mixture.  

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Pot

I knew my old pot was old, but 86 years old!! WOW.

Club aluminum pots can be found on e-Bay, but they are all newer and hammered aluminum, not plain. The knobs are different and the logo/mark is different. There are plenty of the old 1926 recipe books that go with the entire set on e-bay, but only one of the exact pots is in my home. 

Now that I see what the entire set looks like, I can see several other items that are familiar as I was growing up. My mom must have just brought the one here when the cabin was new. And, worst of all, I'm pretty sure I sent all of the others to Goodwill when I was preparing her house for sale when she was in the skilled nursing care facility. Darn! I never even gave it a thought that they would still be useful. I think they were my grandmother's first and she gave them to Mom. Now one is mine!

My pot is used to make cooked candy,  pecan pie fillings, Bar-B-Q sauce, and some soups. It is very special because things just do not burn and can simmer for hours. It's not a large pot but an extremely important one to me. 

Today I made the barbeque sauce... UM...  YUMMY... it has to age for a week or so, but then will go on baked chicken tenders, pulled beef and pork, and used as a dip for chunks of other meat treats. I "might" even share one or two of the little jars I have filled, with my daughter and a couple of friends. 

See my pot. Oh! and yes, I have the original lid with knob. 

These are my pot bottom marks

Monday, December 17, 2012

These Arms...

Once they were strong. They commanded the handlebar of many bicycles, the old fashioned kind without gears, to explore the countryside. They assisted in accomplishing chin-ups and pull-ups in school playgrounds and gymnasiums. They did hot pepper jump roping. They enabled access to a treehouse located very high in a beech tree. They carried two five gallon buckets of water many yards twice a day to horses for numerous years. They steered a tractor pulling a wagonload of hay bales through rough fields and then help upload them to the barn elevator. They pulled this body high up into trees with a pouch on its back to pick apples, and helped it down with the burdensome packload for weeks on end. They lifted and maneuvered long bulky planks of wood, often heavy oak or cherry, to a chopsaw station to be cut into specific lengths for seven years straight. They once held a sizable dog down for several hours while porcupine quills were extracted from its tongue and cheeks by a helper. They hoed, dug and raked an ample vegetable garden every year. They have carried tons of laundry to and from washers, driers, clotheslines, vehicles. They've moved furniture and emptied heavy kettles from stoves to sinks. They once embraced, pushed, opened and closed. 

Now they are soft, cushy, flaccid, floppy, shapeless and slack. Their tonelessness is a sight to behold. They do nothing but hang and flap. They have become unpowerful, unenthusiastic and lethargic. They are exhausted and OLD. Like me.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Cookie Crunch Time

I got in the mood today to bake some cookies. Lucky thing that I had all of the ingredients on hand because it is raining cats and dogs and a trip to town would only muck up the car - badly!

I use vintage bowls when mixing dough mostly because they are lightweight and easy to clean and store. 

My cookies are never fancy or beautiful but they ARE de-lic-ious! They aren't the kind to take to a bazaar or give as gifts or to trade for an assortment. They are not the kind to display for praise.

Pretty they aren't but they are pretty good. Just ask my husband.
I store them in a plastic container. Why? Well, I have a vintage McCoy ceramic teapot Kookie Kettle cookie jar with a cast iron look which gathers dust sitting on the fireplace mantle. This pot has been here ever since I can remember, is heavy, and the lid fits loosely. It would never do. It must have been a thoughtful and appropriate gift to my parents when the cabin was new. It fits in nicely with the "decor!"
A side benefit of baking in the winter is that the oven helps heat this old cabin! It's a built-in room fragrance dispenser.
Oh, by the way, the recipe is also vintage (as is the baker).

Monday, December 3, 2012

OLD Blog Same Name (Old Stuff)

I have tried to import and export to no avail. My intentions were to take the 5 stories I wrote previously on a different blog called "Old Stuff" and combine it with this one but wanted it to be placed in the order they were written. I gave up. This is the only way I can combine them. I have come to the conclusion that my browser was not up to it! - and neither was I. Well, I got what I wanted, but not the WAY I wanted it to show up. Guess I'll have to be satisfied.
So...Here is a link to the OLD - OLD STUFF Blog!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Old and Used

OK, now this morning I felt like taking pictures of the dressers and chests and other old furniture in this old cabin. Don't get me wrong - I love OLD, and don't want different or new! Heavens! That would be very disturbing! 

 Small Bedroom Dresser with Attached Mirror

 Dining Area Chest

 Large Bedroom Chest With Attached Mirror

 Large Bedroom Dresser Used For Storage of Seldom Used Items

Living Room View from Dining Area

Dining and Kitchen Area Looking from Living Room

Friday, November 30, 2012


Last night I dreamed of dovetails - the wooden kind - OLD - There are so many here in this 50+ year old cabin. First, though I must say that these are only a few existing here with me.  Waaaay back when my parents were furnishing their "summer retreat" there was a used furniture store in town with all sorts of wonderful finds. Dressers and chests were needed in the two small bedrooms, and some place to store odds and ends and kitchen linens was called for.

The first purchase was the small bedroom dresser including attached mirror. I was with Mom when she chose it and remember clearly that it cost $10.00. The next purchase was  a dresser for the larger bedroom. This one came with a detached, but beveled mirror and cost $15.00.   A tall chest was needed for the larger bedroom. Another $10.00. I don't remember how much the dining what-not chest cost but it is used EVERY day.

Now these certainly were not antiques because they all were a bit rickety and had been varnished and re-stained by someone else in their pasts, but they were somewhat sturdy and "attractive" in Mom's eye. They were very utilitarian - that was her mindset and is mine today.

One in the larger bedroom is really falling apart and we only use it to store stuff that is rarely used, such as picture frames and odds and ends.

Back to the dovetails. I think I have been watching too much "Antiques Roadshow" because there is no other logical explanation as to why I would have such a dream. I'm attached to these old things. REALLY.

There are old chairs too, but now I think I've eliminated the dovetail dream from my crazy mixed up mind. Besides, I don't feel like looking for more. I don't feel like taking more pictures today.  These are IT.

 Dining Room 5 Drawer Chest

 Large Bedroom 3 Drawer Dresser (someone (Pop?) fixed once long ago)

 Large Bedroom  7 Drawer Chest

  Large Bedroom  7 Drawer Chest

 Large Bedroom  7 Drawer Chest

Small Bedroom  3 Drawer Chest

Thursday, August 23, 2012

1938 and 1945 and 1954

I really must get my old photos scanned. Maybe this winter.....

I have many and, perhaps one day, my kids might like to see them.

Age 2 1938

 Age 9 1947

 Age 46 1982

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Bad Bad ME!

But it was sooooooo good!

I knew I had a can of the stuff in my cupboard. I wanted something sweet. I wanted something satisfying to bring back memories of long ago when I indulged in this habit - often.

I knew it was decadent and indulging. I am worth it!

Tonight I got out the "churchkey" from the utility drawer and poked two holes in the top. One was large, one was just a prick on the opposite side. I sucked the wonderful stuff from the larger hole. It is way less messy to suck directly from the can top than any other way. I know this from past experience. UMMMMMMMMM!

I couldn't finish it all in one sitting so I found a plastic dog food can cover for cans and hid it in the back of the refrigerator for the next time. That will be tomorrow night when all are in bed and it is quiet. It's my secret (I think).

The stuff is so good at room temperature that I will have to let it sit out somewhere a bit for my last annihilation of the stuff. 

Maybe there will be a next time. 

Another version of my camera blog...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Last Legs

Yes, my camera is on its last legs. I love that camera and will keep taping it together until it will be impossible to use.

I have said many times before that I don't like change. I'm also afraid that it will take me too long to learn how to use a new one; (fear of the unknown).

In addition, most of all...   I have NO money to buy a new one! Will "make do." Always have, always will.

By the way, I think I'm pretty clever figuring out a way to take a few pictures of it! My brain just kicked in - it does that once in a while!

Another List...

 List making is just something I do and have always done. 
 It sometimes can be revealing, especially if honesty is applied. 
 It is interesting when we compare them.  

Another friend made her list and I made comments (IN RED).

Things I love: (and when I say I love it, I mean I couldn’t live without it)

1. My family (I would be nothing without them)
2. Music (all kinds) (except rap....I don’t consider it music, anyway)
3. Laughing
4. Hugs
5. Good movies (funny clean ones or ones that make you cry or good action movies....without all the blatant gore or a really good suspenseful horror movie (and no gore)
6. Forgiveness
7. Kisses

Things I like: ( I almost love these things, but COULD live without them if I had to)

1. Carbonated drinks...practically any sugar-free kind
I always stir out carbonation
2. Cheeseburgers
No cheese on my burger
3. Macaroni and cheese (the kind my grandmother made from scratch where she baked it and put cheese on top and browned the cheese...yummy!)
I make the BEST. Several layers with extra sharp cheese
4. French Fries (homemade)
YES! I like skins left on
5. Ice cream....practically any kind
Ice cream doesn't thrill me
6. Big Sexy Hair hairspray (it is expensive, but just a little holds your hair however you place it without it making your hair feel dirty)
What is hair spray?
7. Sunsets
8. Birds, butterflies, dogs, cats, horses, cows
ALL critters
9. My Canon camera (it’s amazing)
My poor old Fujifilm camera held together with duck tape and scotch tape. Wish I could take a photo of it to show you!
10. Picasa ( I love cropping my pictures on there and I love the way they organize your pictures by face for!)
Shutterfly - They make great prints, cups, wall pictures and books for me
11. My computer
12. My blog
I like to write blogs and other memory stories. Always have written.
13. My blogging friends
My beach friends and 2 others who blog
14. Understanding
To be understood
15. Patience
16. My Saucony walking things I ever did for my feet and legs.
Bare feet - I don't know anything about Saucony shoes!
17. A good concert....and I have been to hundreds of them in my life....George Strait, Reba McIntyre,Heart, Neil Diamond, Madonna,Billy Joel,  John Denver, Alan Jackson, Katy Perry, and Taylor Swift top all the ones I have been to....I would pay to go see them again in a second....been to see Madonna twice and George Strait four times.)
Only went to live shows as a teen, no concerts
18.Six Flags Over I have gotten older, I love the scenery around the park as much as the rides....but I still love a good ride!
NO rides except Ferriswheel and carousel and I love carousel music
19. Enchiladas
Never had one
20. Chocolate meringue pie
Never had one but like lemon meringue homemade pie
21. Firm, soft pillow
Soft soft feather pillow
22. Soft tshirts
The older the better - cotton
24. Bracelet watches
I don't wear a watch but have 4, one I won from Reader's Digest Magazine
25. All In The Family
26. I Love Lucy
27. Barbie and Ken
28. Clarinets ( I played one in band for 6 years)
I played mellophone and French horn in school bands and orchestras (grammar and high)
29. Pianos (I had one for about three years and missed it terribly when it was taken away)
Disliked and feared teacher who used to rap my knuckles with ruler
30. Clouds
32. Flowers...petunias are my favorite because of their aroma in the evening....smells like Adams Clove gum, which my Mamaw always had for me when I went to her house.
Love all flowers. Grandpa gave me Wrigley's Spearment
33. Train whistles in the distance
Really like train whistles and train sounds, especially steam
34. The smell of damp leaves
35. Mud between your toes
Sand and wet grass on my feet
36. Walking in the street barefoot when it’s raining gently
Popping tar bubbles on street in hot weather
37. Thunderstorms at night (if there is no chance of a tornado)
Thunderstorms anytime
38. Surprise visits from my cousin
No surprise visits
39. Surprise visits from my kids
No surprise visits
40. Good poetry
Rhyming poems
41. Biographies
42. Learning how to do something new that I didn’t think I could do
Teaching myself without following instructions
43. Painting the inside of the house
45. Cross stitching
Can do, boring
46. Floating on my back in the swimming pool when there is no one else there
Floating on noodle in pool never mind who is there
47. M&M’s (peanut, of course)
48. Snickers (frozen are best...let it sit just inside your teeth for a few seconds and let your saliva melt it just enough to bite it.)
Milk chocolate covered cherries - must be juicy and sticky
49. Holding hands
50. Cooperation from co-workers
Worked alone most of the time
51. Reading a good bedtime story to my kids.....when it’s good enough for them to ask me to read it again.
Read to husband often so he will "get it"
52. Having my kid tell me they love me when they don’t want anything and I didn’t tell them I loved them first.
Having my kids ask me how to do something and I know how
53. Having my parents call me on my birthday and sing Happy Birthday to me and ask me if they were first at wishing me happy birthday.
I always called them
54. Best friend
My best friend died and want no other to take her place
55. Scented candles
56. Body wash
Plain old soap bar is fine
57. Hot soaking  baths when my legs are hurting....the heat seems to ease the pain.
No bathtub hot shower does it
58. Spring
59. Fall
No, it means winter is coming
60. Making flower arrangements
I don't like picked or bought flowers 
#61 is missing
62. Rearranging the furniture
       I Like things to stay exactly the same EXACTLY
63. Cars that don’t break down
Dependable cars at all times
64. Soft to the touch throws in the winter
Lots of heavy quilts and socks to bed
65. Kisses from my dogs when they know I’m sad
Kiss dog and he kisses back when I go to bed
66. Good teachers....the ones that take an interest in the students and make a difference in their lives and are not just there for the pay check

Things that I don’t like:

1. Intolerance
2. Speeding
3. Gore
4. Reality tv shows (they pretend it’s real)
5. Drinking water
I never drink plain water
6. Cake
Only if has lots of tasty icing
7. Rap
DITTO! Can't stand it
8. A bad haircut
Never notice
9. Saggy pants on guys
Plumber pants
10. Beards
11. Having to wear glasses
NO problem I have 4 pair - reading, computer, distance, prescription sunglasses - I would feel naked without them
12. Crowds (concerts are the exception to this rule....they make the concert more fun)
NO CROWDS or GROUPS for me - ever
13. Waitresses that ignore your empty glass (they won’t get a tip)
I don't let them ignore me 
14. People who run yield signs....and never even touch their brakes
15. Tailgaters (not the ones who have tailgate parties, but the ones that stay on your bumper trying to get you to move out of their way when there is a fast lane open)
I just tap my brakes to scare them
16. Going to the doctor
Once a year is enough
17. Being sick
Being waited on when sick
18. Spinach, cauliflower, asparagus, broccoli, squash
WHAT! Those are all the best vegetables!
I abhor the word, "veggies"
19. Breaking glass
Breaking anything
20. Dusting
No problem, sometimes I wash stuff in sink to dust them
21. Ants
Carpenter ants - no! Others..mmmmmm
22. Roaches
Palmetto bugs? We spray in SC
23. Having cramps during a period
Never had cramps then
24. Headaches
Don't have headaches
25. Leg cramps
Don't have leg cramps
26. Stickers in the yard
Pickers? Brambles? NO
27. Tattle tales

Things I hate: (I would wipe these off the face of the earth if I could)
ALL of the below! Plus rape

1. Cruelty
2. Killing
3. Hatred
4. Lying
5. Cheating
6. Whiskers growing on my face (and I have sympathy for any woman who does)
7. Alcohol (too many people’s lives are destroyed by wouldn’t believe the number....I see it all the time where I work)
8. Drugs ( too many people’s lives are destroyed by probably would believe the number....I see it all the time where I work)
9. Cancer
10. Car wrecks that take lives
11. Devastation
12. Injustice
13. Chaos
14. Death of a child, no matter the reason
15. Droughts
16. Fires that destroy
17. Child abuse
18. Trouble makers
19. People who judge someone else without walking in their shoes first
20. Smoking (cigarettes took my dad away) not so much
21. Greed, especially when it hurts others
22. Biting the inside of your mouth and the sore that results 
If it doesn't feel good, don't do it!
23. Spousal abuse
24. Hangnails
25. Paper cuts

Foggy and Misty Morning

This view is seen only one time of the year. The lake in front of our cabin cools down and the steam rises up and over everything. You cannot see your hand in front of your face - well almost! When I go outside to snap pictures, I have to let myself and my camera dry out before replacing the lens cap. 

Over the past few years I have taken several photos of this and it still surprises me, when, one morning it happens! Then, for several days thereafter, it continues, but the first day is always the mistiest!

(click on photos to view larger)

 2010 August Sunrise

2011 August Sunrise

2012 No Sight of Sun

2011 August Sunrise

 2012 Can't see Sun!

2011 Just before Irene took out the Willow

2011 Just before Irene Moved the Log

2012 All Boats and Floats UP-Winter's Coming!