Friday, January 25, 2013

Flashback Friday Ancestors-2

Three generations shown here.

James holding my mother after her baptism.


  1. Your mama was such a cutey pie!!! Love these pictures!

  2. Your photos are just amazing! I have all the old family photos from generations back like you do but very few are the quality yours are!

  3. What beautiful photos! That baby picture is priceless! I don't think the men held babies that much in those times! He looks pleased!

  4. What great pictures to have; even better that you know who are in the pictures from "way back when". We shredded a lot of hubby's parents' pictures from their "younger days" if we couldn't identify who was in the pictures after they passed because there was no one still alive that could help us with it, so neat that you do know who is in that picture of the three generations.

